Farm Biosecurity Signs To Help Prevent FMD

Farm Biosecurity Signs To Help Prevent FMD

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious animal disease that affects cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. An incursion of the virus would have severe consequences for Australia’s animal health and trade.

Good biosecurity is about awareness and action. Biosecurity signs indicate to all visitors the importance of following biosecurity procedures on your property. Displayed on your fence, gate or entrance to your farm.

Biosecurity signs for farms are made from UV weather resistant materials to stand up to the harsh Australian climate. Biosecurity signs indicate to all visitors the importance of following biosecurity procedures on your property. Biosecurity Signs Australia s an important part of you biosecurity plan. Displayed on your fence, gate or entrance to your farm.

FMD is a World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) listed disease and represents the greatest disease threat to Australia’s livestock industries and export markets. It has the potential for rapid and extensive spread, and an outbreak would jeopardise the export of all cloven-hoofed animals and their products.

Biosecurity - Audit Checklist

Element 6 - Biosecurity

It's your responsibility to implement systems that minimise the risk of introducing and spreading infectious diseases onto livestock production properties.

What’s required?

Each Property identification Code (PIC) must have a Farm Biosecurity Plan that covers each of the following as a minimum:

  1. Manage and record the introduction and movement of livestock in a way that minimises the risk of introducing or spreading infectious disease;
  2. Where reasonable and practical, control people, equipment and vehicles entering the property to minimise the potential for property contamination and, if possible, keep a record of such movements onto the property; and
  3. Prevent and control animal diseases on farm by regularly monitoring and managing livestock health.

Sufficient records are maintained to: 

  1. Aid in tracing the origin of any new livestock disease or illness detected on your PIC

  2. Trace visiting people, vehicles and/or equipment that may have had contact with infectious livestock while on your PIC

The proof you’ll need:

  • A copy of your Farm Biosecurity Plan
  • Copies of Livestock Health Statements/Declarations (or equivalent) for incoming livestock
  • Evidence that you have inspected the introduced livestock for signs of ill health or disease on arrival and keep introduced livestock in isolation for a minimum period of time.
  • Evidence that livestock are inspected regularly for ill health and/or disease and appropriate action is taken in response, where necessary.
  • Boundary fences that are in good condition, including external gates that are kept closed
  • Contact details for your local veterinary practitioner or animal health officer
  • Where reasonable and practical, records of people and vehicles entering your property, including the date of the visit and their contact details. 

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